Before I start this post I want to say that I have been very "
naughty" as my boys would say and I only took 2 pictures the whole time we were in Utah! Not good! I noticed April took a bunch so maybe I can get some from her and I'll post them later.
We started out our trip early at 2:15am on Tuesday morning. I will note that Cody's
insistence on us leaving at that crazy time resulted in a big fight Monday night, with him going to bed and me staying up angry, too mad to sleep even though I knew I would be woken up in a matter of hours. The kids did sleep for a big chunk of the trip, but Cody and I did not so we were a bit groggy for the next few days. I don't sleep well in cars, planes, on couches, well anywhere but my bed I guess. And even then I have to count sheep most nights before I go to sleep. But enough about my
fascinating sleeping habits.
Tuesday we drove up to Utah, making one glorious stop at CAFE RIO. My most absolute favorite place to eat, you must have the pork salad. And yes, I have tried the one and Costa Vida, and NO it is not even close to being as good. Then we arrived in Salt Lake at Cody's brother
Kael and his wife Monica's home. The kids loved playing with their cousins and especially liked playing in their backyard with all the leaves. So beautiful!! Then we went to
Kael's first basketball game of the season (which they won).

The next day we got back in the van, and drove to Ogden where my sister Melissa and her hubby Sam live while Sam goes to Weber. We had so much fun having lunch with them, after which Melissa gave the boys gifts. You should have seen their excitement when they discovered what they were.....Tooting Machines (as they called them!). Push a button, and hear a toot, what more could a little boy ask for. Rhett was laughing so hard he was crying. Don't worry Melissa when you have kids I'll buy your kids lots of fun things like that. Lots. We then went to the Nicklecade, where all arcade games are 5 cents, how cool is that?
Then we got back in the van, and headed up to Logan to stay 3 days with Cody's sister Lesli and her husband Danielson. Okay, it's Danny but I always want to call him that in a stern voice (Karate Kid). Yada, Yada, Yada, we had a fun and delicious Thanksgiving. Lesli and I were in charge of pies, and we both discovered we don't know how to make them. I think we did okay though, we can follow recipes but as for the pie crust, well it was tricky to make all pretty! I am not Martha as I previously thought.
The next morning, the sister-in-laws all showed up at the local Wal-mart at 4:15am. We were positioned by the items we wanted, and at 5am when the items were uncovered we elbowed and pushed our way to the front. About 10 minutes later then things we had fought for were still available, but it was kind of fun to be so aggressive. Then we shopped around a bit at other stores, it was cold but so fun - I have such fun in-laws and I love being around them.
I also snuck in a visit to my good friend Candace who has moved to Provo while her husband gets an MBA. I wish we could have had more time together but it was just like old times, I miss her a lot :o(. MOVE BACK, it's not too late!
The boys loved playing with their cousins, and were sad to leave Logan as we headed towards Mapleton to stay with Boyd and Mona. We stayed a night with them, and got a late start on the road at 4am. We stopped at my parent's house for Sunday dinner, which tasted so good after being on the road eating junk all day. Kade got sick on Sunday, with a cough and runny nose - took him to the dr. Monday but it looks like it will just go away on it's own. Rhett is happy to be back in school and it feels good to be home again. Home again, Home again, Jiggity Jig.