Sunday, January 8, 2012


Our three days in Oahu were not very well documented, I left my camera behind for most of it. We had a great time, and were so excited to stay with my sister Melissa and her husband Sam, who live in Mililani.

Our first day we hiked to Maunawili Falls.

It was fun to jump into the freezing cold water!

Melissa and Sam were wonderful hostesses, taking up to all the best places to eat, snorkel (Three tables, Shark's Cove), swim, and boogie board. We had so much fun with them! It was great to see their apartment, Sam's new office - and best of all: Melissa's cute little baby bump!!

One night we went downtown to Waikiki to check out the crazy street artists, shops, and have dinner.

As we walked back to the car Melissa and I had a good laugh at how similar our husbands are. Not only in looks, but jobs as well (Sam is also a financial advisor, for the same company Cody started with).

Now posting all these pictures and writing about our vacation is making me want to go back SO very bad!! It seems like so long ago, much longer than 6 months ago.....

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