We found this cave along the way to a hike and it was really neat. There was a pool of water inside, and it led out to the ocean.

The highway leading back to our resort went through an area called Tree Tunnel....you can't see it as well in this picture but for a distance it's darker as you drive through so many beautiful trees that curve over the highway.

We went to see a waterfall called Wailua Falls that you can drive up the mountain and see. Pictures don't do justice!!
There were signs telling you to keep out (you are not supposed to hike down to the bottom) - but thanks to our lovely book we knew where to find the hidden trail. What rebels....haha.

A surfer bum sold me a coconut before we started our decent down to the falls.

We had to cross this river...it doesn't look bad but trust me it was deep and the current was strong...causing me to freak out in the middle (memories, right?)

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