There were so many fun games, pumpkin painting, pizza, and cake. Oops I forgot lots and lots of candy, what more could a kid want? Here the kids are shooting silly string at bad guys.

Then they went on a bone hunt all through the house, they thought that was spooky and fun!
They got to dress up in lots of toilet paper and turn into mummy's. It was tricky to get toilet paper to stay on Ethan's slick (plastic) Buzz Lightyear costume!
Today was the primary program in church. This is Rhett's 3rd year...the first year he was to scared to even say his part, he just stared at everyone and then went and sat down. Last year he said his part, but was too close to the microphone and it was all muffled. This year he had a long scripture. He memorized it, and said it slowly and clear in the microphone. I was so proud!! But not as proud as he was, smiling and giving me a thumbs up when he got back to his chair. It's funny how the small things make you so, so happy!!
Grandma Flake, and Aunt Brittany and Ally came to hear him give his part, and then stayed for dinner. Later we went to the part to launch rockets. Here's Kade, so happy. This is right before he lost his balance and fell off. He'll have a goose egg, poor baby. He is so wild in church, he can't stand to be held. He just wants to be free and roam the halls. I'm not kidding trying to hold him while he arches, twists and turns completely wears you out. I still have over 5 months until Nursery, yikes! He is also into biting, you think he is kissing and then he clamps down. Very painful.

This last week has been warm. The sprinklers came on at the park and Ethan begged to go run through them.

Ally had to go into the water and rescue Ethan when he slipped and had an injury. He is either tough or very dramatic when he gets hurt.

Here I am with two of my cuties before church today. Of course they are smiling great for the camera as usual.

Cody is heading out of town to New Orleans early Monday morning. He will get back late Friday evening. He is so excited to use that as an excuse to miss dressing up for the 80's adult Halloween party we are invited to! Luckily I am going with my hot date Kathy and we are going to put on lots of blue eyeshadow and tease our bangs to heights never reached before. It will be fun! Then on Saturday we are getting family pictures taken for Christmas cards. Last year Cody complained and complained about that brown sweater I made him wear. If it's not a grey t-shirt he's not happy!! We'll see what I make him wear this year....