Last month we celebrated Cody's birthday. Cody is NOT an easy person to shop for. He doesn't like me to spend money on him unless I find an amazing deal. He definitely does not have the same expectations for birthday as I do and is so easy to please. Instead of cake we went out for his favorite treat...Baskin Robbins Mink Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. The boys loved getting their sundaes delivered in mini baseball hats.
My parents watched the boys the next weekend so Cody and I could have a night away (I know, as much as a gift to me as it was to Cody!) I planned a trip to Kartchner Caverns, a cave north of Tuscon that Cody has been wanting to go to for a long time. Friday night we stayed at the DoubleTree in Scottsdale and went to dinner, then the next morning we went to breakfast at one of our favorite breakfast places, The Scottsdale Breakfast Club (soooo good). Then we headed South to Tuscon to the Caverns.

Kartchner Caverns are limestone caves that were discovered in 1974. The tour was really fascinating, there are mineral formations that drip down like icicles and also come up from the ground. We had a great time!
Now here are some random facts about Cody.....
*He looooooves ice cream and cereal. He even has special bowls for them, they are extra big. If they are not available he'll use a mixing bowl or some other large bowl
*He is very cheap with his clothing but his weakness is shoes (bought on clearance at DSW of course)
*He is such a slow eater, by the time he's finished I usually have the dishes done.
*He loves to get up early and is usually out the door by 7am. He also is usually asleep on the couch by 9pm
*He has a strange accent when saying a few words....Taco Bell, Root Beer....ask him to say them next time you see him :o)
*He is very clean and I had to learn to become neater and more organized when we were married. I used to fib and tell him it was my roommate's fault that my room was a disaster.....
*When he gets something in his mind he wants to do it right then and can't focus on anything else. That can be good or bad, depending on the circumstance!
*He is very competitive
*He refuses to dress up for Halloween, he won't even wear the fake tattoo sleeves
*He is very picky when it comes to movies, we go see maybe one each year.
*He is great about watching the boys but my leaving comes with a price (two actually). He will either buy the kids ugly clothes or shoes (which they will love and wear every day until they wear out) or he'll buy a freakish amount of cereal. One time he bought 50 boxes. I am not kidding.
*He is an amazing father and husband and we love him lots!!!!
Great Cody facts, now I love him even more.
i've never met your husband but that story about the 50 boxes of cereal made me laugh out loud. too funny!
Funny he and Quinn have a lot of the same qualities! :)
That was fun learning more about him! Now I'm dying to hear him say Root Beer...
That was so fun to read - all those fun facts about Cody. And I swear, him and Derek are brothers from another mother. They sound so much alike. Maybe that's why they got along so well.
Happy Birthday Cody!! The other day I found a scrap paper with cody's hanwriting of the word "fraudulent" from when Cody was trying to tell us how to pronounce it :) I can't wait to hear the proper way to say "yo quierro taco bell" :)
Those caves look awesome! Cody is such a great guy. Couldn't ask for a nicer brother in law.
Well, Happy Birthday to Cody! I love hearing little things about people that we wouldn't otherwise know! Sounds like you had a great time for his birthday!
Hey so reading this he sounds a lot like Justin:-)
Happy Bday to Cody!! Looks like he had a great one!
Happy Birthday Cody! Can't wait to see you all again. Some of those facts sound a lot like the guy I married.....strange.
Just wanted to say hi! Can't believe how big your boys are now. Life is lookin really good on ya'll.
Brooke - we are so glad you married Cody. You two are such a cute couple.
Please tell me the cereals were on sale.
I laughed so hard reading. All these funny things about my best buddy. You forgot to mention with the slow eating and the ice cream and cereal: this strange phenomenon happens!! He is Therese slowest eater I have ever eaten with, unless it is cereal or ice cream both which he can eat twice as fast as anyone I know.
I believe the 50 box cereal thing, I visited his apt at college and that was the only thing to eat. Bag upon bag of cereal. Gotta love the kid. We miss you guys.
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