7 Things I can do:
1 – Get places on time, I hate being late
2 – Test well even if I haven’t studied the material like I should have…
3 – Find a good deal, I love to shop
4 – Eat a whole package of Ferrero Rocher’s….embarrassing!
5 – Jump off high cliffs into water
6 – A back flip on the trampoline (my boys think it’s cool at least!)
7 – Cook
7 Things I can not do:
1 – Fall asleep fast, it takes me forever even if I’m really tired
2 – Eat breakfast…I’ll do it when I have to but food before 10 makes me feel kind of nauseous.
3 – Go to bed early
4 – Go anywhere besides the gym in my running shoes…I feel so grungy!
5 – Mow the lawn / change the oil / tires / anything manly
6 – Wear Gauchos…my sisters know my views on this one!
7 – text LOL (right Shannon?)
7 Products I love:
1 – L-Oreal Voluminous Mascara, it’s the best!
2 – My Orek….I vacuum with it at least once a day, I’m obsessed
3 – Lip Gloss, always have it on, the cheaper the better
4 – Shimmer Japanese Cherry Blossom Lotion
5 – This shirt from shade (you are all going to laugh… but it’s the best I promise!)
6 – Shabby Apple Dresses (Candace got me hooked! They had a great sale last summer and I got a couple)
7 – Target Jewelry, so cute and so cheap
7 Things I love to eat:
1 – Homemade white bread with butter & jam
2 – Thanksgiving dinner..yum love it all
3 – German Chocolate Pie from Marie Callander’s
4 – White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory
5 – Lettuce Wraps from Pei Wei / PF Changs / or ones my Dad makes
6 – Diet Coke w/ Lime
7 – Cafe Rio Pork Salad
This was fun....you should do it too. I'd love to read the answers, especially the products you love! It's so fun to find out new products....the cheaper the better I am not all about the labels. And while we're talking about products...does anyone use a fabric softener that is strong smelling? I *LOVE* the smell of fabric softener on my clothes and my Downy is good, but not strong enough for me!! The other day at the gym a lady walked past me and smelled like Downy x 10.....just what I'm looking for! Overpowering! But I was too shy to ask her what she used... so now you all know how weird I am but if you have any advice let me know! And if I am sniffing your clothes you'll know why!!