Monday morning Ethan cried and cried...why couldn't his school start on Monday? When we took Rhett to his class Ethan looked on all the desks trying to find a name tag with his name...when it was time to say good-bye to Rhett, Ethan started crying again. Was it because he was going to miss Rhett or because he wanted to stay and be in 1st grade? #2.
We had to make Monday extra fun so we played games like stick Ethan in the tinker-toys bin... Then I was Miss Ashton and Ethan practiced writing his name over and over so he could impress Miss Christy.

I have improved my "letting go" skills this year, only tearing up when I passed by the Kindergarten room remembering how hard it is to leave your little one for the first time. I haven't even drove by the playground at recess time...look at me now!
Your boys look so good. That's great that they love school so much. I think that makes it a little easier to send them off.
SUCH handsome boys!! All of them! I love Rhett! If I was his teacher...I would just take him home everyday! They are soo lucky to be so loved! And cute Ethan...all ready for school...can't wait to hear all the things he will have to say from school....and then I look at cute Kade...he is just a little hotty! Who could guess he isn't even 2 yet? If we do have a girl...I call dibs on Kade for her!! :) She can write to him while he is on his mission!! :) JK!
Can you believe how fast time goes?! It is so sad that summer has to go by so quickly. It's so nice though when they like school...it makes it a lot easier on us moms. :-) I can't believe Rhett is in love with his teacher...that is hilarious!
CUTIES!!! Time just ticks by WAYYYYY too fast.
So I thought that post about the dog CC was Hilarious! Steve would have killed me. He feels the same way about those animals :)
I am proud of you for not stalking your child during recess this year. LOL Way to go mom...baby steps, baby steps. The boys look great in these pics!! So cute and growing up faster and faster everyday.
I can't believe school is already starting there. I guess ours starts next week. I'm so scared to send Cardon to kindergarten. Your boys are cute as ever!
so cute! I bet kade is an angel now that hes got you all to himself!
That's way funny! I never knew you drove by the playground at recess! I'm glad you're improving!
those pictures are so cute! i love the one with kade and his "backpack"!
Your boys are so cute! And I agree, summer did go by really fast! We asked about a reunion, but MRHS just said they don't sponser any reunions, so if students want to put one together and pay for it, then they can do it. I think it's a little crazy...what school doesn't put on reunions? Kirk doesn't care at all though, so I guess oh well?!
Oh how adorable! They all look so big!!! Esp. Kade!! What happen! You must have given them extra veggies this summer!! hehe They all seem so happy to have their own classes!!! Poor Kade....his time will come!! What will you do with the free time??! :o)
It does seem crazy that we're already into 1st grade....AND preschool! I'm glad that Rhett like his teacher, he's such a sweetie.
So sad to be back into the rush and running of school but I guess they need it right? We all had so much fun with your boys on sat! Glad you got out and had fun!
I can't believe school is starting! Wow. So soon, and Ethan is just as excited as Zoey for pre-school. Only one at home for a few hours. Is it wierd?
hi brooke! aw, we had our 'first day' today too. sob sob, my oldest in prek! :) so happy you found me and my foodie blog. you're welcome to visit anytime~ i hope you find something delicious! (try the homemade cookie dough ice cream. i'm telling you, it's glo-rious-)
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