Rhett turned 9 this month, and as it is for all children the day was greatly anticipated! He had everything planned out on paper....and took great care to plan his party and keep lots of lists so we would stay organized :o) We let the kids open their presents right when they wake up in the morning so Daddy can be there too before he leaves for work.

Rhett was happy to receive some star wars legos, two diamondbacks shirts, and a cool new bike. Ethan was quick to remember the tradition of birthday spanks.
Next we went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Flake's house.

The highlight of Rhett's day was when Grandpa took him and Ethan to a Diamondbacks game. If you have been around Rhett lately you know he is *obsessed* with baseball and especially the Diamondbacks. He will talk you ear off about player stats, games, etc! They had a great time.

When they came back we came to our house and played baseball at the park across the street and Rhett tried out his new bike.

For dinner Rhett requested Roasted Tomato Soup (funny, huh?) and Chocolate Fudge Cake. The first cake picture is from a few days prior when Aunt Brittany spoiled him and made him a cake before she left for BYU-I.

A few days after his birthday Rhett had his party. We went to see Despicable Me at the drive-in, and the kids had a great time. I am so glad that he has so many good friends, they were all so well behaved and fun to be around.

There are so many things we love about Rhett
*he is so thoughtful
*he tries hard to choose the right
*he is a good example to his younger brothers
*he is a great friend
*he wants to be a professional baseball player
*teachers love him because he tries so hard to be good
*he LOVES cub scouts
*he also loves Star Wars
*he shares his Dad's passion for cereal and ice cream
We LOVE you Rhett!!!

Rhett was happy to receive some star wars legos, two diamondbacks shirts, and a cool new bike. Ethan was quick to remember the tradition of birthday spanks.
Next we went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Flake's house.

The highlight of Rhett's day was when Grandpa took him and Ethan to a Diamondbacks game. If you have been around Rhett lately you know he is *obsessed* with baseball and especially the Diamondbacks. He will talk you ear off about player stats, games, etc! They had a great time.
When they came back we came to our house and played baseball at the park across the street and Rhett tried out his new bike.

For dinner Rhett requested Roasted Tomato Soup (funny, huh?) and Chocolate Fudge Cake. The first cake picture is from a few days prior when Aunt Brittany spoiled him and made him a cake before she left for BYU-I.

A few days after his birthday Rhett had his party. We went to see Despicable Me at the drive-in, and the kids had a great time. I am so glad that he has so many good friends, they were all so well behaved and fun to be around.

There are so many things we love about Rhett
*he is so thoughtful
*he tries hard to choose the right
*he is a good example to his younger brothers
*he is a great friend
*he wants to be a professional baseball player
*teachers love him because he tries so hard to be good
*he LOVES cub scouts
*he also loves Star Wars
*he shares his Dad's passion for cereal and ice cream
We LOVE you Rhett!!!