Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My cute sisters are all leaving and it makes me sad! Before Ashley and Brittany left for college my Mom took us all to Cheesecake Factory.

Melissa lives in Utah where her husband Sam is finishing his last semester at Weber State.

Ashley is back in Hawaii.....(BYU-H)

Brittany is in Idaho.....(BYU-I)

Good thing Ally will still be home for awhile, I don't think my boys (or I) could take everyone being gone far from us! I love my sisters!!!


ashley said...

oh, i miss you and everyone too brooke ): I was just thinking today that it is sad that we are all so far apart right now.... can't everyone just move to hawaii? at least we will all be together for Christmas, i can't wait!!!

Tara said...

I love my sisters! I would be so sad if they all moved away. I'm so glad they are all here. Krista is talking about leaving for college out of state.......I'm not sure how I'll be without her for that long. Sisters are the best!!!

Sam and Melissa said...

This most made me homesick for everyone! It would be the best thing in the world to all live close. I am a little jealous of the Cheesecake pictures... no one is even sharing a meal! Unheard of!