Monday, December 10, 2007


Well as some of you know I have been taking some cooking classes taught by the husband of one of my high school friends. His name is Chef Brandon and he is SO, SO good at what he does. I have taken two classes, my last one is tommorrow night. I have learned lots, and it's making me a little more daring in my cooking. I won't post any of his recipes, since he asked that we didn't (he will be doing a cookbook in the future).

But I will post a recipe somewhat like one he made for us, with some adaptations that are super delish. I found this on a different blog and I it last night (Butternut Squash Soup with Cinnamon Whipped Cream and Butter Sugar Croutons). I am not a big squasher but this my friends is good stuff.



R A C H A E L said...

I am so trying this tomarrow. I love squash, and its soup weather!!

Shel said...

I keep forgetting to ask you if you LOVED it?? Was this as yummy as it sounds?? I bet it was! :) Cant wait to try it!!