Saturday, August 14, 2010

{Swim Lessons}

I am way behind on my blog and it is stressing me out!! I am going to try to catch let's go back to June!

Every summer my boys look forward to swim lessons, they learn a lot and have so much fun!

Kade became a fish this summer, shedding the life jacket and becoming a good swimmer like his brothers! He also was very excited when at the end of the summer (just tonight actually) he was finally tall enough to go on the big slides and for a solid hour and a half just went on the slides over and over again.

Ethan and Rhett were very excited to learn that Jerry was their swim teacher (same as last year) and these pictures show why. He is fun!! On the last day of class he bounced on the diving board while holding the boys, and then when he jumped off he threw them up. Very safe I'm sure....but oh so fun!


larainydays said...

I love the adventures you give your boys. The pictures are great.

Tiffani said...

Swim lessons in AZ look like so much fun. I cannot believe how high the boys are when jumping (being thrown) off the diving board. They are so brave!

Jenna said...

Holy Cow, they were so high! What fun!

Brittany said...

so cute!