Thursday, November 1, 2007

{Happy Halloween!}

I hope you all had a great Halloween!! We had fun, but it was kind of sad that Cody couldn't be with me and the boys. We took lots of pictures (as always) so he could see the fun he missed while he was partying in New Orleans with Nicholas Cage. I'm telling you, Cody is like a magnet to the celebrities, as I have told many of you he had a close encounter with the VERY famous David Hasselhoff in New York a few years back. I'll find that picture and post it, don't worry! David looks freaked out...I guess that's how most people would look when a guy runs down an ally after you and then jumps in front of you to take a picture.

Anyways.....back to the children! My sister Ally (12) decided to go with my boys instead of her friends because she said she wanted to hear the funny things they would say. My kids LOVE asking questions, many times embarrassing and personal ones and Halloween night was no exception. We all held our breath when we came to a house where the woman was sitting on her driveway, smoking with a bowl of candy. By the time we left her house, Ethan had talked to her about how what she was doing was VERY BAD and yelled it to me as well. Good times, good times. He also asked the following questions: "Why do you have so many Halloween Decorations? Do you have a lot of money?" "Why is your dog's nose wet?" "Why are you giving out those candies?" "Why are you so old?" Yikes. I am sure there are many questions we didn't hear.

Overall it was a very successful night, load of candy, most of which we gave to Ally so that Ethan can sneak it when we come to their house. He is a big sneak, always disappearing and searching for candy. He loves, loves sugar. Rhett was freaked out by scary masks last year, but now that he is a cool Kindergartner he likes them. He was complimenting all the bigger kids we'd pass by "Cool Mask", he'd say. It's funny to hear him say "cool" for some reason. We pushed Kade in the stroller, taking off his huge costume after just a little bit because it was so furry and hot. He was getting wild so I gave him a sucker, he was loving life. He is walking quite a bit now, and is very proud of himself. What a personality he already has!! Well, I hope everyone else had a great night....the best pictures will be later when I go to the adult 80's party Friday night. My friend Amy Rae is lending me a dress....I haven't picked it up yet but she says the shoulder pads are fun!!


Ashlee said...

Ok ok what was Cody doing with Nicholas Cage and why is he in New Orleans! He is such a world traveler! Please give us all the details! What a fun Halloween, your kids are so cute, as always! I love all the questions, that is so funny! Yes, kids are so fun and it made Halloween so much funner this year having our little guy! I'm so looking forward to your 80's pictures! Thanks for the compliment on my pictures! You are so sweet! I absolutely love doing it!

Becca said...

So fun! Your boys do have some funny questions, I love it! They looked so great in their costumes, thanks for bringing them by on your way home so I could fill their baskets with more candy!

Tiffani said...

What a funny night. Your boys sound hilarious. I bet they keep you rolling. Derek was gone for Halloween this year too, so I can sucks when the dads have to miss out on the fun! Can't wait to see you all 80'd up.

R A C H A E L said...

Those questions kill me. I'm still laughing. Ethan and Zoey have a lot in common. She asked a larger sister in our ward if she was a whale. Seriously. Sorry Cody couldn't be there. Damon was gone last year and it wasn't fun. Oh well! Your boys looked adorable in thier costumes!

Brook & Travis said...

I want to hear all about what Cody is doing in New Orleans too! And by the way, you'll be glad to know you are NOT the only person who locked your keys in your car while running-I've done it too! Anyway, your boys look cute in their costumes! You just never know what kids are going to do or say! I guess that is why they are so fun, because they are unpredictable! Glad you had a great Halloween!