Rhett's happy dance in the background makes me laugh :o).
Ethan got a strike and was so excited (with bumpers of course!).
Happy Kade!
Then we went over to pet the stingrays. The boys were nervous at first but then had fun seeing how slimy they felt.
We went to all the shows, they were so fun!! We were there on a Saturday so it was pretty crowded but it still was lots of fun!
The boys especially loved the raft ride where you were soaked every time.
Sea World was fun, fun! The bad part of the trip was when we went to leave Danny & Lesli's van wouldn't start. They had to have it towed and ended up driving home with Cody's parents with plans to fly back and get it when it was fixed. It ended up being just a little problem that was under warranty...but what a pain!
We left the park and drove home...getting home at 11:30 pm. There is nothing nicer then coming home and being in your own bed - now matter how fun the vacation was!! We had a ball though and are planning to go again next year. Anyone else is welcome to come, how fun would that be??
Cody, Kael, and Danny all rented boogie-boards and had a lot of fun with them. The waves were big for California, 6-7ft so they were able to have some fun rides. There were a lot of surfers out and we had fun watching them also. I was a wimp and didn't go in the water past my knees...it was COLD!
Danny & Cody
It was so relaxing to just sit on the beach after a full day at Disneyland! Crew and Kade were on bird patrol - alternating between feeding the aggressive seagulls and then chasing them saying "roar!". It was cute. Kendyll was the shell collector, she found a bucketful of pretty shells. It was so much fun! Kael & Monica
Ashton & Lesli
Danny & Ashton
Gene & Cassie
Kendyll & Ally
Crew & Grandpa
Cody & Ethan
Rhett and Ethan got to participate in a Star Wars thing...they have never seen it but thought it was cool anyways! They even got to fight Darth Vader!
Monica & Lesli were so nice to take all the little kids while we went on Indiana Jones. Poor Monica is pregnant so she missed out on most of the fun rides.
Brooke, Rhett, & Ally
We stayed there from park open to park close....we had such a fun time! I loved seeing the excitement on all the kids faces when they went on rides and saw the Disney characters. The last time we went to Disneyland Rhett was 2, and we went in July. It was miserably hot and crowded! I would definitely recommend going in September!!